Wood stockrooms provide more
flexibility than metal. Wood material can be cut, modified and secured
unlike metal systems. Lundia Wood stockroom shelving has been around for
half a century. Nothing has been more tested than our authentic Lundia
wood shelving. Call us to see how we can provide a stockroom solution
for you. It's toll free in the USA: (888) 989-1370 or
click here to submit a request |
Lundia Stockroom solutions to choose from: |
Standard Stockroom
Shelving Solutions |
High Density
Stockroom Solutions |
Lundia High Density Stockroom
Shelving Systems
Double your storage: With
Lundia High Density Stockroom Shelving systems you can almost double
your stockroom inventory in the same amount of space. Our mobile racks
eliminate the need for aisles between each row of shelves. In most cases simple
sliding carriages are more than enough, however in larger stockrooms we
offer mechanical assisted systems capable of moving a tremendous amount
of weight with very little effort. If you would like to see more
information, please check out our "High Density Storage" section or give
us a call. Calls within the USA, are toll-free (888) 989-1370. Calls
outside the USA (Including Canada), please call (909) 599-1370. |